From Patterns to Presence:

SE+AM's Impact on Your Practice

Experience a shift in your practice through the synergistic practice of Somatic Experiencing© and Authentic Movement.

This course has started! For more information on our Patterns To Presence course, including the next dates, please join the mailing list here

Explore your body’s patterning from a felt place…

…and how it shows up when you are guiding others. Together, and with ourselves, we will explore the physiology of what happens when we meet body to body. More than ever, practitioners need exploratory spaces to experiment with how their own embodiment affects how they show up in their work. When we meet someone where they are, we need to be familiar with how our bodies move to meet them and in what ways our body patterns shape the relationship.

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What is SE+AM? And why bring these modalities together?

Somatic Experiencing© (SE) offers a us physiological frame for how the human threat response and traumatic patterning effects and shapes our reflexive impulses, movement pathways, reactions and habituated patterns for connection and protection.

Authentic Movement (AM) is an improvisational movement practice that uses the roles of "mover" and "witness" to explore what our bodies do and how they move when we center a relationship to our bodily impulses. SE+AM is using both frames to explore the relationship of impulse within and between a mover and a witness as it occurs in real time. 

This style of experiential learning allows you — the practitioner — to viscerally experience your somatic training in real time, as you really are within a relationship to yourself & another.

Tune Into Your Bodily Intelligence

If your toolbox is overflowing with tools, but you’re finding your work isn’t necessarily more effective,
how would your work change if you became more engaged with your body?

Together we will…


somatically, your relational default patterning


bodily patterns that emerge when you witness another


your skills of attunement
within and with another


a skillful trust of your somatic intelligence


what shows up when you
feel seen


instead of bypassing or overriding

Experience How You Show Up with Depth and Clarity

Have you ever felt the shift that happens when your client gets a glimpse of you as a whole person?

You forgot to turn off your phone and it rings in the session. The client stops. You are seen in a different way. What is that moment like in your body?

What changed about your presence?

How about when you feel deeply touched by something your client is expressing? 

How do you react to that moment that rises within yourself?
What parts of you do you allow to show up?

How can this fresh sense of vulnerability become part of what strengthens your work together? 

When you're moving through the layers of an experience, knowing that you're being witnessed has a wildly profound effect — You can feel your impulses as they lead you into and away from your patterns of relating.

Why does it feel so crucial to be tuned into your shifting patterns when guiding clients?

Because it’s not just their patterns in the room with us.

As practitioners, our patterns are absolutely present too.

Your hosts

Weena Pauly-Tarr

SEP, Dancer, C-IAYT, SE+AM creator

Has been devoted to the fleshy experience of human movement since she could move her body. Weena focuses her broad curiosity to a place where the somatic therapy world meets the dance world.

It is there where she developed her body of work called SE+AM, the synergistic practice of Somatic Experiencing© and Authentic Movement. Along with running SE+AM groups and sessions, Weena currently also works as a Somatic Experiencing© Practitioner, a dancer and dance maker, a movement trainer, a Rooted Global Village facilitator and a mother to four.

Her newest dance theater piece, “Monster Mourning” which premiered in NYC in May, will be performed again in January 2024. She takes deep delight in the incredible range of humans bodying.

Mariana Boccuzzi

SEI faculty, SEP, Psychotherapist

Is a faculty member of Somatic Experiencing© Institute, SEP and family and couples psychotherapist. One of my greatest passions is being in relationship.

I love sharing, learning, teaching, being in presence with others and observing the unique impact that relationships have on each of us. I am a psychologist, psychotherapist, master trainer of systemic-relational psychotherapists and teacher in training in Somatic Experiencing©.

My clinical work with individuals, families and couples integrates psychotherapy and SE which allows me to navigate relational issues with a special attention to the body and its wonderful physiology. For me there is nothing more beautiful than being able to accompany my consultants and colleagues in training on this path of learning to live in their bodies with more presence and deepening their capacity to connect with others.

What participants say about SE+AM


Karina. O

Online Session Participant

Emotionally and spiritually

my body connected to this practice very easily. SE+AM is a space that feels pure, truthful, and honest.”



Online Session Participant

“We talk a lot about “power with” versus “power over”

situations in therapy & in somatic practices. I am so curious about how the model can better serve a therapeutic relationship if/when both parties are up for it. Also, what can happen when, as practitioners, we really drop this stance of, “I am here to show you how to heal.”